December 16, 2009

Define: Faith


Faith is exercise, training. We see it everywhere, in physical fitness we see it when a trainer tells us that, while displaying an example picture of a past success, a fit person: "This is what you will look like in 6 weeks, if you follow my method." Do we think: "Oh, yeah right, trying to make me look like that is hopeless, it will never happen." We don't, because we know it has been done, we know the outcome and the rewards.

We have faith in written text, we have faith in told promises by Prophets. What differentiates that from the faithful rewards of training hard and sticking to a schedule. "Thou shall not eat much fatty food, thou shall bench dumbbells for 8 reps."

We train using a method, and have faith in that method because it has been done before.

Sometimes we stick to it, and in a weeks time, look in the mirror and notice no difference. We become Depressed, loose hope, loose faith. We think that everything should be instantaneous, and that results should be quick and painless. When we don't see what we want to see, we instantly become disheartened.

Faith requires sacrifice.

Faith in your Holy Father, faith in your Brother's teachings, how to become a spiritual success. How to see and feel results.

At times we become disheartened, people tell us that faith is pointless, they tell us we are alone. We are nothing. They tell us it can't be proven.

The overweight man tells you that it can't be done, you can't get fit. Its impossible because he has never experienced it.

Are we blindly attacking the gym, in hopes of a nicer body? Of course we are. The only thing we have to hold on to for example is the instructor's words, the picture of the man who did.

It can be done! We think, so we persist. Blind, with no instant results whatsoever. A feeling of overall good, perhaps at the end of the day, but no real results.

There is a Prophet today, an instructor, with words that promise. Words. There have been many in the past, in fact, there has been someone who did, and showed us how. Personally. The living example of a sacrifice to teach, to show results. Many of who are looked at as blind and ignorant have His picture on their walls.

They are blind, and you are as well. Blind in the gym of Spiritual things, hoping, having faith, that one day you will look in the mirror and see your true self, to hear those words that so few have heard.

Persistence, the key. Don't loose hope, don't give up because you see no results. You will, in time. You may think: "This is wasting my time, it probably isn't true, it probably doesn't work..." Perhaps the fat man is correct.

How to Gain Physical Definition: 1. Work-out, exercise. 2. Eat healthy, eat right. 3. Stick to a schedule, stick to the trainer's rules and steps. 4. Rest.

How to Gain Spiritual Definition: 1. Do good works 2. Eat healthy, stay toxin and psychologically and physically stimulant free. 3. Obey the Instructor's training steps and commandments. 4. Meditate, rest, allow an open mind free of distraction for communication via your internal monologue.

Its a systematic relationship.

If you give it time and patience, You WILL see results. Faith is persistent hope, with a tangible outcome. Even the impossible is tangible, look at the Subway guy. Look at Joseph Smith.

He had come from confusion, distress, like most of us; the world had filled his belly with the lipids of confusion. Was there hope for anything, any real point, and real hope?

He prayed sincerely one profound day, and received instruction. Truth, the true method of Spiritual Success.

He then persisted, followed what he was told, sacrificed. Even until he completed the absolute sacrifice, he died for his faith.

Many revelations were given, more instruction, blessings beyond belief; establishment of the true church upon the earth.

All because he was persistent and followed the method until his last breath, and still breathing out his last words in faith.

His diligence now echos throughout the four corners of the world. In less than 200 years over 13 million members have found the "True Method"

What an incredible accomplishment.

You are going to encounter persecution, just as Joseph did as well. People would rather be fattened by ignorance then have to stand up and drip sweat from their brow in training for something that takes Faith.

Its worth it every step.

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