November 16, 2009

The Human Schematic

The Human Schematic

What I have feared most has seemingly come to pass.

We have finally become what we create, something other than Human. We have become machines.

It seems as though the only thing that has defined us from the beginning has slowly slipped away to the point of disappearance. That thing that gives us power over the robotic programs we create.

What defines a Human being? A valuable question.

Plato states that: "Human behavior flows from three main sources: desire, emotion, and knowledge."

Behavior defines a person from the inside out. You are what you eat, and to the same is what you think, you do. Behavior defines a person from the inside out.

The one thing that the world of the robotic symbiont lacks, is the power of emotion.

I've pondered as of late what my life lacks, and what the entire world lacks. When we see the very first news-lines that display the text: "A soldier dies today in Afghanistan." We may mourn for a bit, perhaps less than a second or so. Then we carry on our day.

When we watch television and the cheapened sight of someone getting injured on a reality TV show makes us laugh, not cry or feel remorse. Something is wrong.

Something is wrong!

I have been guilty of being near to emotionless for some-time. I've seen so many things, in every category of perversion. Things don't affect me.

Lately I have been watching the world from the outside, standing far, far away and seeing everything as a whole. Hatred, war, greed, lust, perversion of what, makes us Human; but am I affected?

Not really.

We play fun video-games that give us thrilling "high scores" for blowing off the most amount of [incredible realistic] Human heads. We laugh and its a great time.

An artificial intelligence is created by programming. Lists and lists of text defining conditions and effects.

When A is encountered, B happens. Some variables can be interchanged, but it is extremely cut and dry. Knowledge. If I say people are bad, the AI recognizes that string and acts on it. Simple, emotionless, it executes.

When you double click on Firefox or Internet Explorer, it executes code that starts the AI, the program. That's why its called an executable. Does it feel? Does know you are going to look up some internet perversion and pop up some text that says "Hey buddy, I know what you are going to do, and I can't allow you to do it, its going to degrade you."

No. It doesn't.

Are we being programmed to execute without emotion? What is happening here?

Via this social manipulation into the only thing that makes us Human, and with these new found rock hardened hearts, we have become corrupt to the extremes.

'The virtue of justice consists in moderation, as regulated by wisdom." ~Aristotle

Now that we have reached the insatiable desensitization, we must seek the extremes to entertain us.

Perversion is a something taken to a exploited extreme. Look around you, do you see any of this?

Extreme sex, extreme hate, extreme violence, extreme extreme extreme. It all becomes so difficult to feel, to see.

What happens when we can't find anymore extremes? When we have taken those basic actions that had once made us so Human, and destroyed them. We destroy ourselves, I fear.

We become that robotic doppelganger. We lose our Humanity.

Now that we have created Artificial intelligence that can perceive with touch, sight, and even smell. It's harder than ever to define what is truly Human.

We are not robots. This is not truly who we are. When we drive a car, we are not the vehicle. It represents us. The faux iconic person we have created an are so obsessed with adorning?

It is a vehicle! Just as a robot can never be human for it cannot feel, it has no soul; we can feel,
we have something else. Yes, a brain that supports analytical thought processing in this 3 dimensional world, and other sensory organs that help us feel like exists here and only here.

Emotion is what makes us, it is something that teaches us more valuable lessons then any knowledge could ever. Love, even pain, teaches us those lessons... and ironically it is the one thing that we are being stripped of.

I have lately been forcing myself to feel per se, when something arises that would have made me happy, sad, apathetic, or otherwise when I was a child. I find in myself those feelings again, reanalyzing why I would feel, and I do. They are dormant, and it is difficult, but they are there, and they are who I really am.

I would hope the world would try and do the same, get back to simplicity and love. The unifying lessons on what really make us Human.

I truly love you all, and hope we can make our own reform in this world. One of love and understanding for the true thing that makes us all human.

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